2025第六届国际进口食品与农产品展览会 (郑州)
The 6th International Food and Agricultural Products Exhibition (Zhengzhou)
Time: September 26-28, 2025
地点:郑州国际会展中心 - 河南
Venue: Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center-Henan?China
批准单位 | Approved by
Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China
主办单位|Hosted by
China General Chamber of Commerce
China Green Food Association
China Customs Brokers Association
China Trade Association for Anti-counterfeiting
Supply and Marketing Cooperatives Sub-council, CCPlT
Golden Conference and Exhibition Group
承办单位|Organized by
S hanghai Supervip Exhibition Co., Ltd.
展会概况Exhibition Introduction
近年来,中国的食品进出口贸易持续增长,成为全球食品市场的重要角色之一。数据显示,2022 年我国进出口食品近 1.9 万亿人民币,同比增长 10.3%。其中,出口 5091.8 亿元,同比增长 10.0%;进口 13872.7 亿元,增长 10.4%。国际食品与农产品展览会-郑州(中文简称:进食展,英文简称:CIFA)作为中国地区食品与农产品领域不容错过的行业采购盛会与海外企业拓展中国市场的重要平台。郑州“ 进食展 ”将在世界经济全面复苏、关税的降低、进口食品来源地的扩大以及进口食品品种的增加的情况下,依托河南 - 中国最大内陆肉类口岸和全国最大的速冻食品生产、研发基地和物流中心等资源优势而创办的进口农食产品专业展会,展会总规划面积为六万平米,共吸引来自全球四十多个国家和地区数十家进口食品与农产品行业组织和政府机构组团参展,以及数百家优秀企业携带数以万计优质进口食品和农产品前来参展,预计有超过数万名专业买家亲临现场参观采购。在全球经济快速复苏的今天,郑州“ 进食展 ”将以全新的面貌汇聚行业力量和整合资源,将展会与会议办成世界各国进口食品与农产品企业在中国把握消费现状、发展趋势、贸易互通及政企交流的综合平台。展会在举办过程中还将得到中国政府主管单位与相关机构的支持和参与,以便更好的帮助海外进口食品与农产品企业顺利进入中国市场和开展国际贸易,拓展业务提供交流平台与绿色通道。
In recent years, with the continuous growth of the import and export trade of China’s food, it has become one of the key players in the global food market. The data shows that the total volume of imported and exported food reached nearly 1.9 trillion yuan in 2022, up 10.3 per cent year-on-year. The volume of exported food was 509.18 billion yuan, grew by 10.0 per cent year-on-year, while the total volume of imported food exceeded 1,387.27 billion yuan, with a increase of 10.4 per cent. International Food and Agricultural Products Exhibition, as the famous purchase exhibition for import food and agriculture products and the important platform for overseas company to expand Chinese market. Zhengzhou "Food Fair" will be a professional exhibition for imported agricultural products, established based on the advantages of Henan-China's largest inland meat port and the country's largest frozen food production, research and development base, and logistics center, with a total planned area of 60,000 square meters, in the context of the full recovery of the world economy, reduced tariffs, expanded sources of imported food, and an increase in the variety of imported food, We have attracted dozens of imported food and agricultural industry organizations and government agencies from more than 40 countries and regions around the world to participate in the exhibition, as well as hundreds of excellent enterprises bringing tens of thousands of high-quality imported food and agricultural products to participate. It is expected that over tens of thousands of professional buyers will visit and purchase on-site. Today, with the rapid recovery of the global economy, the Zhengzhou "Food Expo" will gather industry forces and integrate resources with a new look, making the exhibition and conference a comprehensive platform for imported food and agricultural products enterprises from around the world to grasp the consumption status, development trends, trade connectivity, and government enterprise exchanges in China. The exhibition will also receive support and participation from Chinese government regulatory agencies and relevant institutions during the holding process, in order to better assist overseas imported food and agricultural product enterprises in smoothly entering the Chinese market and conducting international trade, and provide a communication platform and green channel for expanding business.
新的机遇New Opportunity
In order to demonstrate the high attention of Chinese government on import food and agricultural products safety, administration departments and relevant agencies was specially invited as the organizer of the exhibition with an aim to amplify the spillover effects of CIFA, to integrate the resources of the global market of import food and agricultural products, and to develop Zhengzhou into an international consumption center city and meet huge consumer demand in China's import food and agricultural products. With the guidance of superior department , co-hosted by China General Chamber of Commerce together with China Customs Brokers Association, undertaken by Shanghai Supervip Exhibition Co., Ltd.. Taking “New Consumption, Shared Global Food” as its theme, the fair will be held on September 26-28, 2025 at the Zhengzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, Henan Province. With an exhibition area of 60,000 square meters, the exhibits cover a wide range of food and drinks fields including import food, meat and aquatic products, wine and beverages, dairy and honey, candy and nuts, bakery and coffee, fruits and vegetables, grains, cereal and oils, cold drinks and condiments, catering and ingredients, and protected geographical indication agricultural products. It is expected that CIFA will attract more than 500 well-known and outstanding enterprises of import food and agricultural products at home and abroad, and more than 30,000 professional visitors to attend the fair for visiting and purchasing. The organizer believes that the rebirth of CIFA will bring greater benefits to the domestic and overseas government agencies, industry organizations and enterprises participating in the exhibition.
展会亮点Exhibition Highlights
为切实推动进口食品安全工作的重要举措,帮助更多的食品企业了解食品进出口环节的管理制度与监管要求。主办与执行单位将在郑州 “进食展”期间仍延续之前的中国进出口食品与农产品食品领域最高规格国际会议阵容,将继续举办国际农食产品安全监管与通关实务论坛、国内外农食产品食品新规培训讲解会与与一对一世界各国进口食品对接会等活动,活动将特别邀请中国政府相关机构与行业专家针对新规进行权威解读、培训、现场讨论。通过展会上的会议交流活动让更多国家的行业机构与企业了解国内外市场准入制度要求与流程、风险管理与管控、产品归类与关税计算、行业要求与相关市场信息等,以帮助更多的境外企业顺利进入中国市场提供交流平台与开辟绿色通道,争取中国庞大的市场份额和满足巨大的消费需求。
In order to effectively promote the safety of imported food and assist more food enterprises in understanding the food in the import and export links of the management system and regulatory requirements, the organizer of the fair, will be continually to manifest the highest-level international conference in the field of import food and agricultural products, to hold a series of forums and activities such as International Summit on the Safety Supervision and Customs Clearance of the Agricultural Products,Training Seminar on New Regulations for Domestic and Overseas Agricultural Products and One-on-One Meeting of the Import Food. Relevant Chinese government agencies and industry experts will be invited to discuss and exchange ideas on the new regulations in Zhengzhou. With the help of the on-site conference and activities, it is beneficial for industry organizations and enterprises to familiar with requirements and procedures of the market access, risk management and control, product classification and tariff calculation, industry requirements and relevant information in domestic and foreign markets, so as to provide a communication platform and open up green channels to help more foreign enterprises enter the Chinese market rapidly and smoothly, and acquire a large market share and meet the huge demand of consumer.
同期活动Concurrent Activities
During the exhibition, in addition to holding the International Summit on the Safety Supervision and Customs Clearance of the Agricultural Products and Exchange Conference on Agricultural Products from Major Exporting Countries to China, Training Seminar on New Regulations for Domestic and Overseas Agricultural Products and One-on-One Meeting of the Import Food, there will also be a series of forums and activities such as China Beef & Mutton Production and Multi-channel Supply Summit, International Wine Product Label Management and Customs Clearance Practice Summit, International Dairy Summit, Forum on International Cooperation of Bee Products, International Cubilose Industry Development Forum, Forum on Laws and Regulations on the Import and Export of Wholegrain, China-EU Forum on Development and Protection of Geographical Indications, International Forum on High-quality Development of Wine and Spirits, Yangtze River Delta Food Innovation and Development Forum, Forum on Supermarket Supply Chain Management and E-commerce Channel and Online Celebrity Live Selection Conference, World Wine Master Class, the first Star Chef Challenge, China Catering Franchise Conference, Forum on the Digital Transformation of China Catering Franchise, Promotion Activities of Food and Alcohol Production Areas in Provinces and Cities and China International Air Travel Meal Chef Cooking Championship to hold, which contribute to the huge demand for import food and agricultural products at home and abroad to expand the Chinese market.
展出大类Major Exhibits
All kinds of edible agricultural products, meat products, aquatic products, eggs, milk & dairy products, bee products, grains, cereals and oils, fruits and vegetables, nuts, wine and spirits, beverages, coffee, tea, frozen drinks, sweets, preserves, pastries and biscuits, condiments, health foods, special meals and others.
目标观众Target Audience
All related international organizations and chambers of commerce (associations), foreign embassies and consulates in China, commercial organizations and information platforms in the field of agricultural products and import food, etc.
Manufacturer, traders, importers, distributors, agents, processors and e-commerce in the agricultural and food industries.
Shopping malls, supermarkets, wholesale markets, hotel restaurants, nightclubs, clubs, western restaurants and coffee shops, etc.
State-owned enterprises and institutions such as banks, telecommunications, aviation, cruise ships, trains, and duty-free shops.
E-commerce industry: website designers, professional buyers, etc.
预订展位Booth Reservation
请立即预定“2025 郑州进食展 ”展位,越早预留位置越佳,争取最大曝光率,领先竞争对手,开拓无限商机。
Please reserve the booth of " CIFA 2025" immediately. The sooner you reserve, the better your reserved position. Strive for maximum exposure, lead competitors, and open up unlimited business opportunities.
如欲预订“CIFA 2025”采购交易会展位,或了解更多信息,请通过以下联络方法,预订展位。
To reserve the booth of “CIFA 2025” or learn more information, please contact:
电话/Tel : (86-21) 6439-6190
E-mail: info@goldenexpo.com.cn